Relieve pain with modern light therapy
Pain can dominate both physical and emotional experiences and lead to unwanted restrictions in numerous areas of life. Conversely, the quality of life improves many times over when everyday life is pain-free. In the best case, resilience, regeneration and mobility are unrestricted, and it feels like anything is possible.
The healing effect of modern light therapy supports you on the way to a pain-free life. Acute and chronic pain are efficiently counteracted and pain relief is achieved up to and including freedom from pain. Increasing mobility and restoring the resilience of affected areas of the body can also be achieved through the use of innovative light energy products.
First, however, the question arises: What actually is pain? How and what causes it? And how can TERRA Medico health products provide lasting pain relief? We'll tell you the details...
What is pain?
Pain is an alarm signal from our body. Our organism tells us that an unpleasant experience is taking place, in which areas of the body have either already been damaged or could possibly be damaged. In addition, a distinction is made between acute pain and chronic pain.
Acute pain usually only lasts for a short period of time - a few minutes to a maximum of a few weeks. It warns the person concerned of possible damage or the effects of existing injuries and thus fulfills an important protective function.
In most cases, acute pain can be traced back to clearly identifiable causes such as injuries or inflammation. If these heal, the pain also disappears.
In contrast to acute pain, chronic pain lasts for a longer period of time, at least three months. The pain loses its warning function and becomes an independent illness whose trigger is no longer clearly identifiable.
Complete healing of chronic pain is often difficult. The aim of pain therapy is usually to relieve the pain as best as possible and thereby reduce the restrictions in everyday life as much as possible.
How does pain arise?
Pain arises from the so-called nociceptors – sensory cells that detect pain-causing stimuli. These stimuli can come from outside – for example in the form of heat or pressure – or arise inside the body, as is the case with inflammation, for example.
The pain stimulus is first transmitted as a nerve signal to the spinal cord, where it can trigger what is generally understood as a reflex: the body reacts quickly to the pain in order to end the pain-inducing stimulus. This happens, for example, when a hot stove is accidentally touched and the hand reflexively jerks back.
In most cases, however, the pain stimulus is further processed in the spinal cord and sent to the brain. There the signal is finally formed into an unpleasant sensation, which then becomes noticeable in the relevant body region.
Possible causes of pain
Physical pain can have numerous causes – psychological as well as physical. The most common triggers for acute or chronic pain are as follows:
- Injury
- inflammation
- illness
- Damage to the musculoskeletal system
- Reaction to stimulus that can lead to injury
- psychological cause (trauma, depression, stress, burnout, ...)
- physical or emotional overexertion
Using light therapy to relieve pain – the success story of TERRA Medico
TERRA Medico was one of the first companies in Europe to specialize in the use and effectiveness of light therapy and quickly recognized that this form of therapy can gently relieve both acute and chronic pain and in some cases even completely cure it. The holistic approach of light therapy also enables remarkable success in the treatment of numerous health problems, for example:
- Back and joint pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- arthrosis
- migraine
- Sports injuries
The biophoton regeneration system
The Biophotone regeneration system from TERRA Medico promotes pain relief in a special way. It is based on the use of bifilar (two-threaded) light heat conductors, which generate a so-called therapeutic C wave. This is one of the infrared heat waves and stimulates biophoton emission. This ideally supports the body's intensive regeneration - this includes healing processes as well as muscle relaxation. In this way, pain can be treated efficiently and the quality of life improves sustainably.
The biophoton regeneration system can be tested at any time in the anti-stress rooms specially created by TERRA Medico. And if you have already been able to convince yourself of the healing effects of the applications, you have come to the right place in our online shop . TERRA Medico products can also be ordered there for home use. So that you can experience pure well-being every day.